A-Z Tag!
A is for age
2007 - 1980 = ??
B is for booze of choice
Anything except Chang beer. Made me wanna puke for 5 hours . cannot puke. After dat gotto go for jab.
C is for career
Talk Cock. Liar. Well, that's what they call bloggers now right?
D is for your most dreaded
Ppl who call ppl liar when they themself IS a LIAR.
And humsup man. Niasing. Went to see doctor the other day. A myanmar guy stare at me until the nurse also beh tahan wanna scold him. See what see. Go home TFKei la u.
E is for essential item you use everyday
Internet......for obvious reason.
F is for favorite song at the moment
Hinder Lips of an angel...I also dunno what i like about this song. Its about a man cheating on the gf with another woman. *sigh*
G is for favorite games
Errrrr Games in Bedroom? *whipping sound*
Nolah! I dun play games okay.
Okay maybe play Ah Chak! with my son.
H is for Hometown.
Everyday in Hometown la. KL ma.
I is for indulgence
Errrrrr same like 5xmom's 2nd indulgence?
J is for favorite flavor of juice
Juice juice....I like lime with Asam.
K is for kids
Jayden. Satu sahaja. Saya 1xmom.
L is for last hug from husband.
11ty 2 minutes ago.
M is for years of marriage
2007 - 2004 for registration.
2007 - 2005 for ceremony.
N is for name of your crush
I dun have, cannot remember....
O is for overnight hospital stays
4 days for bronchitis.
7 days for fever viral.
3 days for giving birth.
I hope no more.
P is for phobias
Snakes. Worms. Wiggly things. Except for one wiggly thing. *wink*
Q is for quote
Life's short. Enjoy.
R is for biggest regret
Start blogging. because now i cannot stop.
S is for status.
Today is it? Today is....err married kua.
T is for time you wake up
This morning at 7.10. Cilakak myself because i ter-set my alarm clock to 6.45pm when its supposed to be 6.45am!!!!
U is for underwear.
Now? Black colour. Why? Wanna give me other colour to complete my range of colours izit?
V is for vegetable you love
I love brocolli. Cauliflower. Spinach. Carrot (not amah's maid one okay...very chow bee wan!)
W is for worst habit
Talk too much.
X is for x-rays you’ve had
Chest. Because of brochitis.
Y is for yummy food you make
Errr pick up the fone and dial 1 300 13 13.
Z is for zodiac sign
Scorpio. Dun step on my tail. i "kiam" u!
I heard that those PPP people if do tag can increase the traffic wor. So i'm doing u guys a favour okay.
Annie (wah syiok ah writting PPP, got money edi u know what to do la?)
Montessori Mum. (dun owes write PPL only)
Jess (Who ask u to say i look "hiau")
Allyfeel (increase traffic?)
Mom2Ashley (Increase traffic although u already have it...more okay?)