Friday, September 15, 2006

My Son's Weird Behaviour.

Last time i posted this... You must be thinking why the mother so liddat wan..
teach the son to swear..
Itellyiu..It's not liddat..
my son got weird weird behaviour..Like this..

Drink Milk can arch the body like dat wan...
Or like this...

Sleep must tabik tabik like this..

Or like this

And more of his finger...

And like This

And the way he suck his chut chut..Pulling In and Out.
And also like this...

And he just love it when i kuci kuci his ear liddis..


  1. fuah!!! ur son drinking milk got kung fu style 1... he is the one! yes... he is the one! kekekeke

  2. Haha...not weird very very cute!

  3. his own stylo...later grown up sure hansem mia... ;)

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    That's funny lar!
    btw, Lyon also like we kuci her ear and i notice she fall asleep fast when we did that during her bedtime..LOL

  5. Kenny:This is "Shadowless" Drinking Milk Mia Style

    Huisia: Thanks thanks

    Ah nel: Grow up drinking tat time like this cham lo!

    Jesslyn: i think alot of kids also like kuci kuci ear..

  6. yah funny n u so clever can tangkap pic of him doing it sumore! drink milk liddis good meh..should carry him ma..

  7. laundryamah: Cannot carry..he sweat alot and he is *whisper* heavy and he wiggles like this.. how to carry..

  8. he so stylo drink milk...izzit becoz he got such a nice round won't flatten it! hehe...opps is it pantang to say that?

  9. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Dear Blogging Mum:

    We would like to invite you to showcase your blog articles to millions of internet-surfing mums through the Surfingmama Blog Carnival. Make a difference for mums all over the world. Surfingmama focuses only on stuff that matters. For mums. Submit to us practical, useful & informative articles that mums need to make informed choices. Topics include childcare, preschool, child-education, child-safety, pregnancy, child-health, breastfeeding, mothers-health, childbirth, getting-pregnant, and etc. Submit your article now to make it for the upcoming edition scheduled on 25 Sept 2006 at:

  10. Better don't allow him to suck chut-chut pulling in and out.
    Skali he grows up suck other things that way how? Kakakaka!!!

  11. Nyonya: Hope when he grow up, he'll be more gaya!

    Ace: I hope when he grow up, he DON'T come n tell his Mimi that he wanna become a police.

    Mommy of 2 Angels: can say. Cos my Jayden cannot read yet. heheheh

    Cocka: CHOIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! Tak Ka lai SEE!!!

  12. hehe I like that tabik photo, so cute...

    hey, my hubby also likes ppl to kuci kuci his ears when he sleeps (young that time). My MIL told me LOL

  13. He's more like mummy or daddy ah??

    Mummy cursing and swearing too much whn carrying him? That's why the hand always do that sign huh?
