Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The G-string Story

Maybe only a few of you guys know that I used to work for an undergarment company. Yes, I used to work for an undergarment company and yes...the "Ultimate Bra" story is real. We can see and we know what size and what type of bra ppl wear when we see them. Terror or not?

So like the movie, we're all the guinea pigs to try out the bras and the panty. Yes the panty oso.

For bras, we gotto wear the bra and show it to our merchandisers (girls la..and straight ones). As for panty, sometimes we'll wear a G-string and wear the panty over. But for G-strings, it's different story. We gotto go back and try (with a piece of plastic on it like the swimsuit) wash and give back to them. And most of the time, i always kena cos mine is the most popular size...*sigh*

So I have this colik, Daphne. She refuse to try any G-String. She keep on saying that G-string is painful and always makes her wanna go pee pee. We never ask her to try anymore after that.

Then, the new season's design came and we of course gotto start to plan on the catalogue and so on. For easy referrence, I've asked Daphne to use a mannequin, put on the bra and panty set and take picture of it.

And when I browsed through the pictures later..i found something unusual. Then i understand why Daphne refused to wear G-Strings and said that its so painful for her. No wonder la...

This is how we wear G-string..


You imagine Daphne wear the G-string terbalik, front and back. Of course painful la!


Ini cerita betul betul punya bukan rekaan semata-mata mau buat orang ketawa.



  1. wuarharharhar.... so funny! poor colik of yrs la....

  2. kakakaa....maybe she shy la. proly made her feel sumthin else. :O

  3. hahaha! So funny!Poor Daphne, "lulu" things also kena post by u.

  4. Hehehe Funny things must share ma!

  5. ayo...still got ppl liddat one ah? but feel solly for her lor..kena lafu at,,,

  6. eh, no need to feel bad for her.She also laughed like mad saying tat she's lulu herself. Now everyday also wear G-string.

  7. kekeke...first time i hear, memang blur
