Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jom Shopping

If we let him take over the trolley and decide what to buy, we both need to declare bankrupt.


  1. I noticed the papa's not paying attention while the lil' boy is loading the trolley. So maybe when he's on the phone next time, drag him to the boutique and start 'loading ur trolley' hehe

  2. muahahaha..jayden only likes those 2 items eh?

  3. haha..same here, most of the things in the trolley was my kids things. We very scare go shopping especially go supermarket, all 'penuh' their things.

  4. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Jayden must have love those chocs.

  5. wah so pandai shopping with mami and dadi.


  6. L'abeille: yeah dad was on the fone so the little one start his "work: la

    Mummy to chumsy: At first he tried to take seaweeeed so big pack and he fell on the ground. So he chose the smaller pack

    Aprilwong: hahahah got leh? follow mother

    1+2 mom: Hahaha Chan Foh Tah Keeep!

    Michelle: Not choc la...dunno what snacks edi ..haha

    whoisbaby: pandai ah? *pengsan*

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Bravo Jayden boy! Next time when dedi bring u and mami to jewellery shop, remeber to sapu all jewellery for your mami ya! hahahaha

  8. Joanne: Wuah remember to ask him to take the biggest and heaviest!

  9. Anonymous8:59 AM

    hahaha, how come he only buys the same stuff ah? must have loved them so much, must load till full! hehehe...

  10. haha.. he's now starting to practice shopping so nx time can go on shopping spree wif mami..

  11. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Buy buy buy buy!

  12. so end up u buy all the things that he put in the trolley or u put it back? time aunty tell u what i want ar..

  13. i agree with l'abeille :p

    yeahh by the way did u guys buy those things or u put back..?

  14. Oscar's Mommy: Cos that is the smallest pack and easiest to throw in trolley ma

    khai khee : Yeah i trained him well

    Julian : Hahaha Pokai Pokai Pokai

    Annie Q : Of course not la. Put back! how to eat so many packs of the same thing? hahaha

    BabyBooned : Put back....mati i if i eat all the snacks!

  15. Like mommy like son hor :P

  16. Hahahaha! I better watch what Irfan takes too!

    And eh, are those crocs???

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    ai yo..same here la..ashley also likes to take everything and put into the troller...diva-style..

  18. kekeke! So fun wor he loads the trolley. But he sure kek sim jugak lah when see mami puts back all those things onto the shelf. susah payah only he loads it..

  19. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Muahahaha .... Jayden so pandai lar!

  20. Etcetera~Mommy : ;P

    Nadia : Fake crocs la...with spiderman!

    mom2ashley : haha better watch out!

    Rabbit : no wor...he so suka i put back cos he can take samo ma hahahah

    Desperate Mummy: ah like dat u say pandai ah ? hahaha

  21. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Hahahaha, Jayden really makes me laugh because hor, I think he learnt everything from his MD (mummy) lor. At least he only takes food/snacks. Clever, clever!

  22. Jayden just take snacks and chocs only, how to become bankrupt. Take him to Toy R Us and let him shop there, he will probably but the whole shop. :)

  23. haha... clever boy Jayden!! Future shopaholic ??? hehe...

  24. wah so young oredi know retail therapy!!! good job jayden:P

  25. notty mumy......always published my mischiefs !!!!

  26. Yah, it's the same with Zara..

    The thing is.. at check out.. my hubby sometimes doesn't know which other items are placed in side by her .. end up, buying some of the items she threw into the trolley. (stupid or what??)

  27. Anonymous3:52 AM

    hahaha so many things to buy??
