Friday, April 01, 2011

Happy Counting =)

Ah.... finally he got used to the schedule.

Come back from school.
Eat lunch.
Do homework.
Nap/play/watch tv= his pick.

So everyday I'll sit by his side and accompany him to do his homework. And I'll do my work at the same time.

His writing is improving everyday and he's getting faster. Sometimes when he is being dreamy, I'll use the timer and give him 10 mins for each homework.

So yesterday he said "Mami I finished!"

"Wow! That's pretty fast" I said.

He said "can you check for me?"

"Sure" I replied.

Wow! To be honest it's really nice.
The nicest ever. So neat and all the same, like photostat right?

And then he said "Mami.. can you help check if there are 19 balloons?

I rubbed my eyes for a moment and then burst out laughing.
I just wanna wish the teacher Happy Counting.


  1. The teacher's sample balloon also he included into the 19 ar? Hahaha :P

  2. Wah very good!!! Pity the teacher.

  3. hahahahhaha...he's creative. err... the balloons look like sperms..hehehhehe

  4. Very neat hand writing.

  5. hahaah... u know, i was going to comment that those balloons look like sperms to me too.. ;)

  6. Very neat No19 indeed.. Well done JD.

  7. very nice handwriting. The balloon really makes me laugh too... haha... yeah...happy counting to the teacher.

  8. that balloons drawing...wahahhaha....good luck to the teacher. obviously your boy inherite your gene!
