Last Night...
Me: Dadidi.. I must sleep tonight okay? I never sleep last night. Now I'm so damn sleepy edi...
Big C: Okay Okay You sleep la.
Me: Zzzzzzzzzz
Me: *woke up* huh? .. i thought justin cry tim..Nehmind sleep back.
Me: Sleep la.....................why cannot sleep wan
Me: *falling asleep*
Justin: Uwaaaaaaaaaaa (translation: I want nen nen)
Me: *nurse Justin* Okay now i can go to sleep peacefully.
Me: Okay....falling asleep now.. Zzzzzzzzzz
(background sound: handphone ringing)
Big C: Your handphone ring ler.. dunno who's number is this. (pass fone to me and it stopped ringing)
Me: Don't bother la.. gila wan. Call ppl in the middle of the night.
Me: (who is it ah ? If call midnight must be damn important. Sms: Who Is This?)
Me: okay fine no reply. Must be wrong number.
Me: Okay falling asleep Zzzzzzzzzz
(background sound : HAND PHONE RINGING)
Me: Helo? Helo?
Mr X: ah huey ah.... Ah huey....
Me: HUH???? Helo?
Mr X: Ah huey..........*drunk sound*
Mr X: *click*
Big C: Who is that ?
Me: Stupid drunk bugger looking for ah huey in the middle of the night.
Big C: haha
Me: Sleep la........ why cannot sleeep? all your fault ah huey!
Me: Falling asleep.....
Justin : UWaaaaaaaaaaa (translation: I to play!)
Me: Justin ah... go back to sleep la..mamimi very tired leh..
30mins later, justin went back to sleep.
Me: Please ... pleaseeeee please pengsan la...*sigh* ah huey....
Me: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Justin: Uwaaaaaaaa (translation: I want milk!)
Me: Babe, please feed justin. I BEH TAHAN edi.
Big C : Okay okay.
Me: Zzzzzzzzz
Jayden: Mamimi? Open this?
Me: Uwaaaaaaaaa
Big C: Jayden don't kacau mamimi. Let's go school.
Me: Zzzzzzzz
Justin: Uwaaaaaaaaaa (translation: I want my bath already)
Me: *sigh* (wake up and bath Justin)