Thursday, October 18, 2007

Project ChutChut-less : Day 1

It's time to change this guy from being like this


to this!


No, not making him to be senget like this! We're making him chut chut-less!

Last night was the first night. He had his final round of "Chutting" at his nanny's house. When we got back I just decided to hide it (the chutchut) for a while and see how it will turn up. He was okay at first but then when it reaches 9pm, he started to act weird. Like as though he was looking for something. Big C asked me so many times "are you sure? are you sure?" *sigh* His dadi pity his son, said that Jayden might be sad or feel sad without his chutchut. What to do? We need to start somewhere/sometime right?

So we distracted him with blocks! But his mouth was like "programmed" to have a hole in the middle as though he was sucking his chutchut. Look at this pic! *lol* But he was drooling pretty badly so we gotto put a bib around his neck.


And then he went to bed after watching his many rounds of Barney without any fuss *phew!*

Towards middle of the night at around 3am, he woke up crying and his hands were everywhere, looking for his chutchut. I carried him to our bed and he slept not long after that.

This morning, I gave him his milk while we was sleeping and right after the last sip, he looked for his chutchut again. Failed to look for it, he went back to sleep.*yay-for now*

Nanny was happier than me when I asked her not to give him chutchut for today and see how things go. So, gotto wait till tonight to see how far did we go in this ChuChut-less project! *fingers crossed*


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Jayden will one day throw away the "chut-chut" wan. Hahaha

  2. ahhh...clever boy, jayden :D mine is more difficult to wean cos she sucks her thumb :(

  3. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Yippie!Jayden good boy.Hehe..tell u something my brother still on chut-chut when he's 7 yrs old.

  4. fingers crossed..hope it's gonna be easy peasy for u :)

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Jia Yiu! Jai Yiu! It's actually a very good progress for the first night. I'm sure he'll be able to survive without it. Good job Jayden!

  6. yeah i agreed what u said: like a hole in d how not to suck a chut-chut there?? else, a big hole for saliva to make way lor!!

    anyway, wish u luck on yr project but still no rush & dun force, he's only 2 rite, can still let him enjoy!!

  7. He looks more handsome without the chut chut. Bravo Jayden, you can do it.

  8. good luck with the chutchut less project.

  9. Anonymous11:32 PM

    my son still has his chut chut only when he sleeps..i also want this chut chut less project start now...hehe

  10. wah so smart he knows how to play with blocks somemore stacked so high.

    as for the chutchut - my son decided one night that he didn't want his pacifier anymore. and now want to let him sleep also very difficult and he didn't want to take the pacifier.

  11. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Haha chut chut less, sometimes if they are ready, they just gip it up without a fight.

  12. It is time to wean off...a handsome boy cannot go with chut-chut...hehe

  13. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Good luck with your chuchutless project..!

  14. you go girl!!! it's all a matter of consistency and persistence. our own little project was when he was 6mths - A LOT tougher then but so worth it.

  15. Anonymous8:30 AM

    yay bravo boy! first nite ok, then second nite will definately be better so by the third nite, for sure he can survive. but beware of sudden 'craving'! hahaha

  16. Mine was tough
    He end up with a couple of days of fever from 'withdrawal'

  17. good luck first.. in case it din work hor.. my mom's remedy.. put a strain of hair on the chut chut burn it and gif it to him... see he still wan o not.. he dun wan throw it away in front of him..

    so if next time he wan it.. u say u will pick it up from outside lor..

    hm.. tht was my mom's chut chutless project towards me.. kekekek...

  18. Wow..*clap clap clap* Bravo Jayden!!
    When will be my boys's turn to wean off chut chut? *sigh*

  19. Anonymous11:53 AM

    kambahteh Jayden boy!
    That time Alvan, we just throw his chut chut to dustbin in front of him, after that he is chut chut-less edi :D

  20. Anonymous2:31 PM

    U should try this method. Worked with both my kids. First, cut of the tip of the chut-chut and let them suck it. Then slowly cut some more and then some more. As the chut-chut gets shorter, they don't get the thrill anymore and give up.

  21. oh.. i remember his chutchut! all the best

  22. weh - at least you can hide the chut chut. How can I hide Aiden's thumb ??

  23. heh sasha... i m planing to take off this chut chut from Jeremy too. At home i try to reduce or sometime i dun give him at all...but at nanny part, abit difficult, the nanny not so co-operation with me, she will give my boy the chut chut once my boy is crying or lou kai .. "sign* ...
    anyway.... all the best to u... jayden boy u can make it .. u can !!!

  24. sasha memang boleh.. JD memang boleh one. Sabar sajalah JD.
