Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why Bossies Have Big Ass!

Why??? You also know why ma.. cos they only know how to sit there and command command command. Then when you perform.. they complain you no good la, never use brain la, not right la, this and that. Niameh…do yourself la!

Remember when you’re a bossie, please don’t be like this. And also remember don’t just sit there yak yak yak , command command command and complain complain complain. If not sure end up like this…


Note: My camera nearly pecah after take this pikture...cos i zoom in zoom out..the ass too big for my tiny camera! muahahahahahha..i'm evil...


  1. my big boss average mia body worr...not big ass either... :)

  2. you talking about my SIL#1 ah?? wuahhaha...

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Fat baru got 'bossy' look mah! LOL

  4. wahaha!!nice picture..Hipo with bikini..

  5. I am not bossy but my ass still big lol!
