Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mami

I saw people posted cards from the kids after they got home from school. So I thought maybe I have one too like every year? So I went and searched his bag and true enough, there was a card.

The outside..

and inside..

so I took a pic of the card and his dad came home. Of course I need to show off la. Then Jayden woke up and I pretended that I didn't know a thing about this card but I asked his dad to asked him if he has anything for mother's day. He quickly ran down to his school bag and searched for it. He came up and said "IT'S MISSING!" Then his dad passed the card to him and he quickly ran to me....

JD: Mami Mami.. I have something for you....
Me: Oh.. what is it? *SIBEH PANDAI ACTING ME....*
JD: It's a Mother's day card for you...
Me: Oh.. It's so nice. Thank you *kiss kiss*
JD: *Paiseh* ........Mami.....?
Me: Yeah babe?
JD: ..................... I need to sing a song AH! (Suddenly learnt the slang AH! from school but its damn hilarious, the way he used it.)
Me: Sing song AH!? Awwww..... okok you sing la..
JD: I LOVE YOU.............YOU LOVE ME..........WE ARE A HAPPY FAMILY.. WITH A GREAT BIG HUG *HUG* and a kiss *kiss* from me to you.. Won't you say you LOVE me TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... Happy Mother's day Mami..
Me: *sniff* Thank you baby....did teacher Chong asked you to sing this song?

I can say.. his teacher really did a good job. Preparing the card and also added something extra.. teaching and reminding them to sing a song to the mother. But today I asked one of the parent.. she said her son never sing to her :S So, did the teacher taught him or he sing himself? I really got no idea.


  1. haha, Happy Mother's Day to sweet of him and remember what teacher taught...

  2. tweet of him :D you should get a TVB award for acting lah...hahahahahahahahaha. did the cheeky one give you a kiss or not?

  3. i think teacher never taught him that... i suspect J's father did! :p

  4. awww....heart melted. so sweet!

  5. i think i got wait another yr before i got chance to hear or receive sth from philip

    happy mother's day to u.

  6. Hehehe...I did the same thing to my boy a few years back. Boys, they can be very forgetful.

  7. hahahhahahaha! lum sei looooooooor!
    Happy Mother's Day to you, babe!

  8. LOL... that is just so original and cute! LOL... very sweet. happy mum's day, Sasha.

  9. Hahahaha! So sweet! Did u record down his singing or not? Happy Mother's Day to u. :)

  10. nice nice..mommy sure terpengsan oredi ehehe

  11. Eh, ya! Should ask him sing again and record down. :D For keeps... good memories leh. :D

  12. wah got song also ah? Lum sei lor :D. So last night you slept sure with a sweet smile lo :D

  13. awww... that's so sweet of him :-) happy mother's day!

  14. so sweet! mine didnt sing also but got card la from kindy. i bet you one day JD will cook for you on mother's day.

  15. jacss9:30 AM

    hahaha...see, u also got 1 hor plus a song to add, thumbs up for teacher!!
    happy mother's day pretty :D

  16. so sweet of jayden!

  17. Happy Mother's Day to you.....
    clever boy....

  18. Eii..this is sweet song somemore. Jayden colored the card very nice...mami lum lum edy**

  19. Wah... a card n a song with hugs n kisses. Sweet! Happy Belated Mother's Day to u!
