So I rushed out and figure out it totally crazy if I wanna wait in the long Q for a cab. So I took the KLIA express and then I smsed Big C and told him I'm taking the lrt home. But then he called me (with J in the background whining) saying that he will come over to the Sentul Station to pick me up. So they arrived. I saw Lil J sitting in his own chair. He turned and stared at me and turn to the other side, totally ignoring me.I called him but he turned his face away from me. Heart broken and worried, I picked him up and cuddled him. Still, he refused to look at me.
Went home and the whole night he was tossing and turning, crying for no reason. So the whole night I slept with him in his play pen and the next day I was like a zombie, called office and told them I'm taking emergency leave for that day. Glad I did that, cos by 12noon J's nanny called and asked me to take J home cos he was vomiting and purging the whole morning. So I picked him up and called his dad. We brought him to the hospital and doc immediately gave him a drip and some jab to stop him from vomiting. My heart was broken to hear him wail and shouting while they insert the line to his tiny hand. And i think he cried too much, he fell asleep.
Lil J with the line in his left hand.
Doc gave us 2 options, to get admitted immediately or to go home and see what happen. Big C chose to go home. According to the paed that Big C brought Lil J that day, its common nowadays cos there's some vomit and diarrhea virus going ard and it will subside by few days.
We waited at home, and Lil J began to vomit and have diarrhea. Drink like 2oz and vomited so much like double of what he took. We packed all our stuff and rushed to the hospital at midnight.
Once reached *sigh* they prepared the line again. This time on the right hand cos few hours ago the line was inserted into the left hand. Again he was crying like mad. And then he was ushered to the 5th floor in the kids ward. Not long after that , around 3am, i went down to see the doctor myslf. Cos I vomited and been purging too. They have to give me so many jabs so they end up inserting a line in my hand too. And i fell asleep in the ER for 1 hour plus. Woke up, felt like wanna poop again and checked with the nurse the jabs was not for my purging. It was for my tummy ache. So I went and pay and took my medicine. Boy, its eerie walking around in the hospital alone.
Lil J and Mami's hand. Both with Line and plaster.
Lil J was weak, and surprisingly he didn't pull the line away. Instead he used the board underneath the hand to whack me when he is irritated. He was obviously scared of the nurses and whenever the door opens, he will start to whine and look at who just came in. Big C gotto rush to the office to prepare for an important meeting. So I was alone with J until my sis came to the rescue. At least I get to sleep for a while until J began to whine and wanted me to carry him all the time. I think my sis carried him too much till the blood back flowed into the drip. So a few nurses (i think about 4 nurses) came and held him down to squeeze the blood out from the drip and redo the drip tube. My son can really SHOUT. Now whenever he is not happy about something he wil shout.Kepala pun pusing, i tell you.
Big C cancelled his important meeting and came to the hospital.Just when we though we can go home, suddenly J pooped all over the floor alhtough he is wearing diaper.So doctor said " wait for another day". So we spent another night and I slept with him in the cot with the cot-sides up. He was tossing and turning the whole night so the whole night i was detangling the tube so that it wont block the drip or cause the blood to back flow.Big C even brought my laptop so that Lil J can watch his Barney shows. He was so happy that he clapped his hands although the right hand is all bundled up like a boxing glove.
Doctor came at 930 just like what he had promised and he said "Okay, you can go home!" Boy, we're so relieved. They removed Lil J's drip line and he began to run around in the ward. But he was weak so he walked like orang mabuk. He walked and walked and end up reaching to this door. Once the door was opened, he removed his pacifier and said "MAMMM MAMMM!!!!" Yeah we have reached the cafeteria. He ran and wanted to climb onto a chair. So i picked him up and he was pointing at all the food at the counter, pointing at the food and said "mamm maaam, maaam maaam, mammm maaa" non stop. I bought him a pau and he took some of the pau and started to stand up on the baby chair. I used to be irritated when he does that, but today it's a relief that he is doing this.At least he is himself again.

Playing on the hosp bed after they took out the line.
We came home and he played with his toys like he missed them so much and he watched his Barney and slept in his own bed. My sis came over for a visit and just when we decided to go for dinner in Tesco, Lil J pooped again. That was the first time after he came back from the hospital. We decided to let him recover slowly by himself because even when teething baby tends to get diarrhea. Just as long as he is not vomiting and he is taking food, it's ok. So we're controlling his diet and praying that he will get better soon. He refused to drink the Lactose free Milk ( i guess it's tasteless) and want to eat porridge and drink his normal milk. Probably that's why he is still purging. He eats and drink in small portions and sleep for a short while but more often. Well, I guess he is very tired. We're all so tired now. Big C said that he felt like he is so useless cause he took care of the small one for only one night and he is sick like this. Seriously I don't blame him, even if I'm around I think this will happen too. At least the small one is more manja and wanted his Dadi not like last time.
Aiyoh, MY SON!! Please get well soon la!
ReplyDeletehope he's much better now. poor kid. i was wondering how come so long no update leh. I hope u r feeling better yourself!
don't worry la Big C..not your fault..if it was a virus..then it's a virus lah..nobody can stop it la!
aiyor, so kesian, both mommy and baby and daddy too. Like mott, me been wondering too. Thought you enjoy Vietnamese hunks until dunno how to come back. Cheers!
ReplyDeletePoor Jayden! Kena poked left and right! Hope he is better now. You take care too.
ReplyDeleteBig C to be blamed!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHhahaha, kidding. Man, If i were him, im so feel guilty. Just one night "jaga" already JayD fall sick. isk isk.
I.. or and MamaJosh wish your son get well soon. Seriously get well soon.
Aiyoh...poor thing.
ReplyDeleteHope he's improving. And you are feeling better also.
Aiyookkk.. Poor thing.. Poke here poke there. :(
ReplyDeleteHope he really get well reallll soon man.. I cannot stand seeing little kids in pain. Wah lauu.
ReplyDeletehope that Baby J and auntie Shasha will get well very soon !
take care
Aiyo, reading your post I can also get a sense of your heart breaking. so hard to see the little one suffered like that. Hope he'll get well very soon! You take care too ya! :)
ReplyDeletePity Jayden hope he's better now. Very sad when I saw Jayden hand wif so many plaster :(
ReplyDeleteluckily he is okay now... get well soon...both of u..
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that both you and your little one are sick. When I was reading your post, I was like "Alamak, seems like very serious". I hope both of you are getting better by now.
On the other hand, I also scare I'll fall sick in these two weeks. But I must not! Exams are here! Have to stay healthy!
Oklah, time to get back to my "sick" laptop. He's falling a sick too. I have to become the doctor. Take care of yourself ok? Wish you and the small one will get well soon. :)
Oh dear....poor thing. so sorry to hear about this. hope all of you are much better now *hugs*
ReplyDeleteSending good vibes.. and prayers... for a speedy recover for Jayden.. and you.. :)
ReplyDeleteTake care.!
I hope you and J would recover soon...... It definitely breaks our heart to see the lil' one suffer
ReplyDelete**Letting a sign of big relief** Importantly both of you are okay now.
ReplyDeleteBig C, pls dont blame yourself. You have been a great pillar of strength when Baby S and Lil J was sick. Give yrself a pat on the back...
oh boy...hope he's getting better.
ReplyDeleteusually can give diluted milk, that's easier to digest
Get well soon Sasha and lil Jayden!
ReplyDeleteif he still doesn't want to drink the lactose free milk, reduce 1/2 of the usual scoop of his normal formula. That's what my PD told me when Ching Ern poo non stop.
ReplyDeleteErn developed nappy rash after the non stop poo. So, watch out for that.
Take care, mummy and Jayden.
Wat's in the aor la... A lot of BB sakit geh??? I see also heart sick la...Poor Jayden fever nonstop... Wah I read and read my heart also skip one bit la.. And U also sick ah?? Poor U... Better take good care of urself and drink more water la... Tell BIg C also lor... He also hv to take care la... He must be well to take care the both of U lor!! Hope U and Jayden get well soon..
ReplyDelete*muaks* jayden get well soon. and you too, take care okie...
ReplyDeletewhoa! so cham ah?
ReplyDeleterest more and get more sleep lah... guess that's the only to get better :)
Hope both of u are ok by now. Really get shock when reading this and the things is u also down with the more at home...
ReplyDeletetake care.
oh..poor kid. My little Kelvin also had fever last Friday. Rushed him to ER middle of the nite, now fever ok, but running nose. Guess he is teething again.
ReplyDeleteTake care, mummy and little J
Take a good care for three of u!! (when i read this blog, i remember last December, the 'virus' also attacked my boy, my hub and my MIL)so,dun worry, it will gone very soon.
ReplyDeleteall i can said is "speedy recovery lil Jayden" and take good care of urself & big c too!*hug hug*
ReplyDeleteGosh, I hope he can get well soon. I also kena badly sick for the pass few days, I tot I was going to faint just now when I'm on my way to work.
ReplyDeleteStupid virus! Leave the children alone!!
Oh my dear me!! I hope Jayden is much much better already. I feel so bad after reading your blog. Hugs and kisses.
ReplyDeleteone browsed over the photos were really shocking....guess this would leave u a phobia but thank god, all looks fine now!!
ReplyDeleteGet well soon & take care!!
aiyo... looks like when it rains it pours. Hope Jayden and you are better now.
ReplyDeleteaiyah, don't think it's BigC's fault lar... dun feel bad...
ReplyDeleten'way, it's good to know things are getting better... and damn sakit hati, see the photos... :(
Wow what is wrong in KL. Got HFM, got this virus, that virus... I think we gotta be careful liao.
ReplyDeleteHope Lil J is getting all well and you too Sasha.
mix some ohkau in his milk. sure sleep like a pig wan!!
ReplyDeleteOMG!! What a scare! I hope both of you are fine now. Sigh. Thanks for the heads up, yeah?!
ReplyDeletethe sight of J with drips on his arms doesn't sit well with me. poor little soul. i hope he is much better now.
ReplyDeletebut one thing i don't understand (but that's only me ok? u can get professional answers from Dr.B) why should the ppl at the hospital use last resort as first resort leh? even for you, just a first sign complain, they are already giving you jabs.
why submit the poor little child to such trauma? and I don't mean u larr of course. but i may have missed some important info here.
cases like these over here (just for your comparison) is no dairy, whenever possible, bland and light food, lots of fluid, replace with Oral Rehyration Salt, that's what the body is losing, hence u feel tired. if cannot eat, at least sip on cordial or glucose drink.. and unless if the case is really severe, then off to the hospital for drips.
hope u are both well now.
aiyo..poor you and little J. Get well soon ya!
ReplyDeleteMore water please.
Hope mother and baby are doing much better. Poor Jayden - missing his mummy plus falling sick
ReplyDeleteget well soon both of u..
ReplyDeleteforgot to tell u not to simply eat in viet..and dont ever drink the water. been thr twice, and twice also kena poison.
Aiyo..poor you and Jayden. Hope Jayden is getting better soon...!
ReplyDeleteayo poor thing! so sakit la...i remember it happened to kieran once too! muaks & hugz to lil j!
ReplyDeleteYou got pooped all over the hospital floor anot? Maybe you kena viral infection while in Viet.
ReplyDeleteGet well soon yeah, the both of u.
Sorry I'm so late. Glad to hear lil J is better. U take care & have a good rest too!
ReplyDeleteBtw, don't you agree that our kids always get sick when we are away?
Poor boy, poor mummy as well.
ReplyDeleteGet well soon k?
So so glad that he's better already. Felt so heartache to see his hand kena poke :(
ReplyDeleteTake good rest ya, so sakit hati to see lil' J like that... :<
ReplyDeleteoohh take good care, and get well soon. poor jayden, hope he is alright now..
ReplyDeletejayden is himself again. YEAH! at least he felt so much better than before. he can play with his toys and also eating. kesian u two only, especially yourself since you just got back from ur trip and then didn't get to rest. but that is what mother's is always suppose to do when kids are sick. take care of them until they get well. you did a great job!
Poor Jayden. Hope he is feeling better already. Get well soon, Baby Jayden.
ReplyDeleteMalaika had her diarrhea episode a month ago, too. So here are some tips that might be useful to you.
-Diluted the milk for the initial few days.
-no diary products for a month
-LF formula for a month, too
-cook very watery porridge for the initial few days
-eat very bland/plain food, possible porridge, can mix with potatoes and carrot.
i should apologize for my quick comments earlier. i realized i shouldn't be judging the doctor's decision, he is the expert after all.
ReplyDeletewhy i was upset/frustrated is that i've seen too many cases of doctors hitting it hard with medication for the miracle cure, by this i mean malaysia. i have grandnieces and friends who have kids who experienced this.
i hope this is not your case :)
aiyah why lidat??? Hope you and your baby feelin better now. Kesian sama Big C oso he must be worried sick because his two precious love sick. Take care ok, dun hop around blogging too much. Recover first, drink lotsa liquid. Babies turning away from mom after mom's absence is normal, my son do that to me too when I used to leave him to go to school. He upset and won't look at me. So dun worry too much okay? Rest up :o)
ReplyDeleteawww...look at ur hand sure its nth but lil J hand with needle sure he suffer much...
ReplyDelete*pray foy lil J recovery*
Kesihan.. but luckily he's better already.
ReplyDeleteMust be damn susah for you.. fallen ill but still need to take care of the kid.
ah... the beauty of a mother's love.
ReplyDeleteAlamak, I guess I'm the last to know. Thousand apologies. (Thanks to my modem which konked out since last week). Really breaks one's heart to see the little fella on drips and the jabbings on the little hands. Poor Little Jayden. Kiss him for me ya? And u take care of urself too.
ReplyDeleteoh dear!!! I've havent been blogging for the past few much have happened. and poor Jayden! he got the rotavirus thingy issit? which reminds me..i need to get it for aidan when he is 2 months old to avoid him contracting the rotavirus. hope he is ok now