Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Cheeky Luigi

When I bring him out to meet my friends (cos they hardly see my fb - it's all about kids. who wanna read anyway?) and also relatives (they claim that there are too many to remember, *lol*), they will ask him "what's your name boy?".

And he would say "My name is Luigi".

And usually the people's reaction is ..."Huh?"

And he would teach them to pronounce it "Lu......Eeeeee.....Gie...."

And people will repeat after him and they really think that his name is Luigi. *lol*

And I'll be around to say "hahah he's a joker la. His name is Justin".

And he'll smirk and bounce off.

p/s: he is Luigi when he is wearing green. Other times, he is Justin.
My and my Luigi last sunday :)