Monday, November 01, 2010

Tips from Housewife : Sliced Mushroom

My mum gave me some frozen sliced mushroom and I thought she is mad for soaking the mushrooms, slicing them thin and nicely, separate them in small packets and froze them. Then, when I used it to cook for my family, I thought it's a fantastic idea. Cos I don't need to pre soak and slice it myself. Especially when you're in a hurry and the darn mushroom is still so hard and takes forever to be soft! So, thanks mum for sharing her Housewife tips. And who says Housewives are brainless people? They think and experiment stuff like this to make the housework faster and easier for them. They make things look to damn easy and that's why everyone thought that housewives work is so damn easy.

First you soak it.
Slice it nicely
Pack it separately according to the amount that you will normally use.
Freeze it.

P/S: I'll be sharing the tips I get from my mum (and from her friends) here from now on so that I can refer it myself. Don't have much capacity in my brain, if you know what i mean. *lol*


  1. Brilliant leh this idea! Now time to go soak all my mom's shrooms and slice them :D

    And darn those who say housewives live easy lives!

  2. Or you can soak in really hot water and the mushrooms will be soft in 2mins flat. Who says FTWM don't have good household tips? *wink*

  3. good idea! never thought of that.

  4. thks for sharing tips.. anything that makes our life easier..
    but... i only worry..stuff everything to freezer.. v easy to forget ler.. i discovered small pks of cili boh,, minced garlic.. belacan cili in my freezer.. all prepared by my cambo maid.. hehehehe

  5. What a good idea! Thanks for sharing this with us Sasha! Pls keep it coming :)


  6. thanks for sharing.. I normally soak them in boiling hot water..

  7. aiks! my MIL does this for me all the time.. hee hee...

    I am like CL la..I will soak with boiling hot water, and remove the stalk so it will be soften faster...

  8. i still have a packet of dry mushroom in the fridge! your tips come in handy... but now the problem is..where got time to soak them? this weekend.. ? tengok dulu..

  9. brilliant!

    your fellow housewife here lovessssssss it when u share these brilliant ideas!

    we housewives are indeed the most brilliantly creative people on earth!!!!

