Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hand Coordination Games

I find that his hands are rather weak when he is holding a pencil. But his hands are so steady when he is playing with his trains. Hmm how come eh? Then I remembered this certain game that he played in his class that helps to improve hand coordination and also attention/focus. So here's what I did:

Cut out some colour sponge and ask him to use a pair of chopsticks and separate them according to the colours.

Normally he'll request to do other things within seconds. But this one, he'll slowly pick them up and giggle when he drop the sponge. ( seriously I don't know what is so funny about that :P)

But he's enjoying himself. So it's okay. And see his other hand being raised quite high? Hahah cos his mom kept saying "Ahhhhhhh only use CHOPSTICKS! Don't use your fingers to hold it!"

And then we go for "Cuit Cuit" High 5 when he's done.

Cheap and good game. Just right for me.


  1. cool game.
    next ..add some difficulty. add water a little. so the sponge become a little weight.. n he will improve his chopstick skill also..

  2. I have to agree with you on the part that at times we simply do not know what is so funny about the things that made them giggles but we find outselves echoing their laughter just by knowing the are happy...

  3. great idea! i'm gonna use this one ;) thanks sasha!

  4. hehe... so cute!

  5. love ur cuit cuit high 5. so sweet!!!

  6. wow...a very creative idea of strengthening his motor skill. Most important, it is cheap and it kept him occupy for some time...hehehe...

  7. this is surely creative ler...

  8. thumbs up to your idea. we need to think of ideas suited to our kid. I gave up on reading to her and tell it my way..and she listens

  9. That's a vy good game, can train hand coordination AND keep him occupied. Best part is, it's not messy at all.

  10. ooh cool game, will do this later hehe samuel was also very weak in writing wen he was younger n the school did alot of cutting and tis reli improved his fine motor skills esp in writting

  11. this is what they do in school to improve their motor skills....next you can also use smaller stuff like beans or guli...

  12. hahaha....your cuit cuit so cute!!!

    Glad he has the patience to see the game through!

  13. great idea! should do this for rachel when i have time...

  14. does jayden attends a montessori school too? good idea to train his motor skill. my son doesnt seem to be able to write too, maybe i should try this out with him.

  15. hey, great idea. he's good at using chopsticks eh?

  16. It's already very good that he can use his chopsticks so well :) Your 'cuit cuit' kiss is so cute!

  17. I also want to cuit cuit High 5. hahaha.

  18. This is a cool game. Must try this with my kids. I will see Tim pooking into the sponge and telling me it is easier this way.

  19. Thanks for sharing! It is a good idea.

  20. cool idea, i should let my boys try this too. I also notice they still can't hold their pencil properly.

  21. That's very creative! I should do that too so tee can learn to use her chopsticks better!
