Friday, October 24, 2008

Benjol Boy

Backdated post...

Wanna see why I'm so busy? Cos I have to deal with funny stuff like this everyday....well, almost!


This is why I'm so damn busy. By 4.30 I'll get even busier cos he's home with his funny stuff. This happened few nights ago when he refused to sleep (near to 12am!!! gimme a break man!) .He was rolling on the bed and he fell down, head first right on top of the musical toy hanger. It was so huge that it made his father screamed. So Big C (new readers, Big C is Big Chan not big Coc.....k ok?) went and boil and egg , and he came back with the egg wrapped in a hanky and tried to roll on the benjol. Guess what? he rolled it with the shell so I told him you need to remove the shell otherwise its too hard, how to roll right? Then he took out the shell and guess what happened later? Egg yolk coming out of the hanky. Yeap, not 100% boiled.

You say la.. how not to be busy ?


  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Next time apply ice pack on the bump immediately. THe ice will stop the internal bleeding which cause it to be swollen and the bruises.

    If you apply hot boiled egg on it, it will cause it to bleed more and the bump to be even bigger.

    Egg is only after the bumped has formed and you want to dissolve it.

  2. Aiyo!!!Poor Jayden! Really a big bungalow!!!! Hope it get "flat" now already.

    Ya, like shooi said, normally i will use ice instead of egg too. :)

  3. wahhh... egg yolk coming out means more work to do!! hahha

  4. Sasha,
    You very the cham lah. Deal with so many stuff! Hmm...

    Actually, don't look at it like a burden lah. You see, when Lil J is bigger, you can tell him what happened. hehe.

    Take care and hang on there, Sasha! At the mean time, have a great weekend!:)

  5. At least Big C tried to help out. Can't be angry at him for trying. But I agree with shooi on using ice on the bump. It works all the time for Evan. Only see the recovering blue black mark (yellowish) a few days later. No bump, no blue black.

  6. aiyor.... so big benjol, should be gone by now hor :D

  7. aiyor, kids ah, really kenot sit still for a minute. Big C trying to help oh, but end up givin half boiled egg, hehe! he veri kancheong already lah, tats why din tunggu the egg boil habis!

  8. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Poor Jayden, hope you are more OK now and hope you can remember this bump and don't make your parents jump..

  9. awww..sayang Jaydenn!!

    when u look's actually quite funny =)

    take cares okies!!!

  10. Ouch! What I normally do is to apply ice pack on the bump or sometimes hanky dipped in warm water. "Tuam" as the malays call it. I hope J is better now, yeah?

  11. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Sakitnya...poor boy.

  12. Aiyoh that poor boy!! They outdo themselves most of the time. Your big C**k damn farneeeeeee

  13. Adoi...benjol besar tu. Poor thing. Hope he's ok now.

  14. Daddy screamed???? i cant remember when I last heard a guy screaming u know..seriously..

    btw, how's the bangalow? better already?

    take care & *hugs*

  15. Ouch!!! Poor Jayden....hugs to you, Mama Sasha. Not easy taking care of three boys *wink*

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I think you need two breaks! Really don't know whether to cry or laugh at the boys eh...

  17. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Hi, new here! ha, ur Big C must have been panicked, that's why rolled the bump with the shell on! ha!

  18. oh dear! poor Jayden! hoping it's gone by now ya... *hugs to Jayden*

    and do hang in there ya... take care too *hugs to Sasha*

  19. adoi....besarnya!! poor thing la but then hor, boys ma....if no grow 'bungalow' before, how to call a boy leh, hahaha
    but u really got to take care!!

  20. oh dear...that's a huge bungalow. hope he's better now

  21. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Poor jayden and poor daddy who got so gan jeong. but monitor him closely, u read the paper right about the gal who died after a bump on her head. take care!

  22. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Adoi..Big C...and shooi is right, always apply ice pack first. Apply for a least an hour or so. Apply heat pack like 2 days later.

  23. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Oh boy..!! what a big baluku..!! poor jayden lah..!! apa lah.. BIG C..!!! boil egg also donch know.. hhahahahahaha!!!!! *slap forehead*
    I would definitely go crazy lor.. if PB like that. So sasha..!! you wonder woman..lah..!! and super patient too.

  24. Anonymous10:24 AM

    J..oh J.

    Sigh... Boys will be boys. Why they must guling so much ar? Always berguling...macam rolling pin!

    When ur No.2 grow bigger..he also will start berguling. Ini big headache!!!

  25. funny post. Big C is quite a old fashion hor, use boiled egg.

  26. Hey at 12 midnight, at least he is cooking egg and not something else. :P

  27. an ice pack does the trick too, to reduce some of the swelling. this is based on our experience when Brandon fell.

  28. poor jayden! i hope his "bungalow" will go off soon!!

  29. I was about to say use ice pack but i think many mothers had shared the idea with you...

    it's the fastest and effective way to ease the 'bungalow'...

    Hang on there, Sasha..

  30. you can use a handkerchief to wrap an ice-cube an dab on the swollen bruises up and down repeatly for 30 mins interval then dab again or else the child feel pain and may dislike you to help can see the swollen part subside the next day and keep on doing a few times a day and the blue black mark faded.never use hot boiled egg or any hot things rub on the bruises causing more internal bleeding and the tower will even stay much longer causing more worry.

  31. I cant stop laughing at Big Chan and not Big C*&^k ... why ah, people was asking what it means ah? Hahahhaa. And yes, shd apply ice instead of hot stuff cos the hot stuff might burst the thinner blood veins ... thats what the doc "marah" me before .. but I told him my mom does that for donkey years liao .. but he told me ... listen to me .. Im the doctor! hahaha.

  32. Wow, really big 'banglo' lor...You know what, my mom got this receipe to make, I don't know how it call....'wine' from apple vinegar...very very effective in reduce this kind of benjol......I always use it and never use egg or ice lor...

  33. Hahaha. Kesian Jayden and kesian mommy so busy.

  34. Haha. I was laughing so loud about the egg shell and the yolk. But seriously, Big C tried to help and that is what counted the most.

  35. Anonymous4:53 PM

    aiyo, my elder girl also got her big bungalow!!! I also boil egg but took time... i know have to use ice pack...take note ya!

  36. Auwiii... but it think ice pack is better then eggs.

  37. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Wah... big big bungalow! Eh, if you tell Dr you use boiled eggs ah, sure kena ketuk. You're supposed to use cold/ice pack to bring down swelling... it's only recently that I learnt to use ice pack instead :P
