Saturday, March 06, 2021

Homemade Garlic Spread

Hello! It's been a while since I've written in this blog. I've been busy with work, moving house(s), yeah moved 3 times in a short span of time, kids and so much more. So now that I've settled down I think it's time to restart my blog 😊

So here's my first post after long hiatus- Homemade Garlic Spread. Prepared some to be stored in the fridge so my boys can prepare their own food when they are hungry. You know, teenage boys and their eating moment 😅
You need minced garlic, parsley and salted butter. Mix them up, keep them in a container and keep chilled in fridge. 
Just spread it on your bread and toast it. I air fried mine. 
And you can enjoy it on its own or pair it with mushroom soup. It's so easy and yummy! 
The remainder is kept in the fridge. My kids can just spread it on baguette, bread or even on cracker just like that. 

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