Thursday, July 02, 2009

Major Eruption!

Off track note:
Been busy the entire last week and this week. Been rushing work for this weekend's PetShow In Midvalley. Stupid agency + undecisive boss + Cranky kids = No sleep nights + Pangsai also no time.Oh yeah.. I was too busy until I forgot my ROM wedding anniversary.*slap forehead*

He looked like this the whole of last week.

Been doing this like forever...

It was Saturday that we discovered that Justin has got 3 new teeth (MINIMUM) sprouting out. Its the tarings/lateral incisors erupting. But the fever didn't come UNTIL my mum mentioned on Sunday " Oh sang gar ah? Mou fatt siu meh? (teething ah? No fever meh?) *sigh* Itellyiu, very pantang. Immediately fever. No joke.

So these few days while rushing my work, I gotto check on him. (can't depend on maid cos she won't tell me immediately) Fed him paracatamol every 4 hours. But he was still cranky and grumpy. Today he started to sweat. I hope he gets better.

Anyway, he's getting very cheeky nowadays. When U show him the camera, he'd do this.
At first I thought that it was the light from my camera that made him close his eyes like that.

Then I noticed whenever I flip my camera and called his name, he'd do it again. So I know, he's just being funny.

He's crawling everywhere, cruising on whatever he can hold on to. Yeah he can climb up his Korkor's bed. he can even climb up the staircase (with me around!)

I can summarize that this lil fler is going to be .....*Jeng Jeng Jeng*


But nevertheless, I love him so much. I love the way he calls out to ppl:
his dadi : Da Da or DAH! DI!
his kor kor : TOR TOR
Or ChaCha my dog : YAH YAH!
Or me: AHMAHHH or last night we was crying clinging onto my working chair and called out MAHMI!!!
Fan: TAR *STAR* I know, salah edi but still.... haha

He scream all the time for fun. And Jayden will join him. So you can imagine how "lively" my house is.

And now he likes to bite me softly while I am nursing him and give me a very loud EVIL LAUGH. He can do it over and over again. Boy.. this boy is really super duper cheeky. I better get myself some hair tonic to make my hair grow more before he make me pull my hair more and loose all my hair now.

Big C managed to snap this pic during his bday dinner last week.

Okay gotto get back to work. *sigh*


  1. hehehe..last pic like u press button on his head..and he do his JT look!

    cute! like the first pic!

  2. aiyo....soooo cute and cheeky!!! guess he's starting to bite people now :D

  3. yes, he is very cheeky, i love the photo u took together with justin, he is funny ...and mummy is pretty ...:P

  4. hhahahhaha,,Justin more cheeky than Jayden ya? More face expression, and he is so cute!!

  5. wah, can call korkor already!!! so envy! Kaitlyn is expert in telling me "mum mum" whenever she sees food! Time flies ya!

  6. Ithink Justin will be a tough boy..cos he can handle so many eruptions at the same time.. macam philip.. really "tough" nut..

  7. *clap clap* to Justin... can handle eruption very well ya.. guess when your mood erupt, he will be the one that put smile back to your face too :D

  8. He looks a bit like a baby Yoda in the pic with the chair, kekeke!!!

  9. so so cute... mother and child.. blink blink*

  10. Mott: hahah got button to press. Pressed then cheeky look will appear.

    Barb: Not other ppl. Only his mum.

    Anggie: Thanks :)

    Annie: Oh yeah.. more than jayden.

    Joanne: yeah time flies!

    lillamb: I think MSG makes kids more tough. hahhaha

    cyn: hahhahaha everything erupt if i am in bad mood.

    lilmonster: hahah maybe i should paint him green?

    reanaclaire: *blink Blink* :)

  11. Justin is absolutely gorgeous.... cute and cheeky... geram...

  12. he is very 'gu ling jing guai'
    so cute!

  13. Mommy always look so pretty!!!

  14. wah he sure starts talking vy fast eh

  15. He has so many adorable expressions. Very charming boy!

  16. Haha...he sure is a cheeky and smart little boy. Mummy look great too. :)

  17. Aiyor..... He is SO adorable lah!!

  18. Eh, why lah you push his head front & back sampai his eyes open shut? ahahahhaa. but seriously, you look nice in that pics! So sweet & sexy!

  19. etceteramommy1:11 PM

    His face is definitely more mischievous than Jayden.

    Hey seriously, you look good in the pic. Short hair does suits you. :D

  20. amboi, so cute-nya!!! love all of justin's pics!!

  21. i loveee this kid! he is super cute!! his expression is priceless! fake smile like dattt!! hahahaha farnee fella

  22. He's one really cute n cheeky fler. :) Hopefully he's no longer feverish.

  23. Think the younger one is always cheekier than the older one... Same in my case, and in many of my friends too...

  24. NICE ONE!

    cheeky cheeky boys..and u have!

  25. boys are known to be siu hei, as in pantang lor, cannot say one, say already, sure kena! like my son!

  26. He just looks so adorable in those pictures.

  27. LOL....the pics are really cute...he is growing fast and very well!

    The teeth must irritate him like MAD!!!

  28. Hahaha, Justin got a new pose for u. So cheeky of him but so cute. Aiyo, can see dat he'll be cheekier, naughtier and more active than kor kor. Pity mummy lor *kekekekeke*.

  29. very very nice pics! looks like u got 2 cheeky boys yah, will keep you entertained non stop :)

  30. love all your nice!

  31. Ooh. You look very pretty here. :)
